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Sunset Over Trees

Eastern Philosophy
Western Implementation





As of April 1st, I have reopened my home practice as well as joined Function First Chiropractics. With this new change I am available for sessions Tuesday-Friday. As I update my site, please feel free to contact me about scheduling at 978-228-0343. I will be updating my site more within the coming weeks so thank you for your patience. 


With Love,









When it comes down to it, we treat our cars better than we treat our bodies. Every couple thousand miles we take them in for an oil change or a tire rotation, because there is nothing worse than a light turning on and having to deal with what comes after. Pain is our check engine light. And for most of the population, even when that light is on, we ignore it until we're stuck on the side of the road. Unable to do what makes us happy, unable to get where we want to go. 


For those who have worked with me before, it is safe to say the bodywork I utilized is unlike the usual connotation of massage therapy. The focus of my practice is based around the fundamentals of causation/functional medicine rather than symptomatic medicine. Those dealing with chronic pain, whether it be from a past injury/surgery or simply from living in a society that does not support our natural body's posture, know that true change can happen when we address the two major concerns. Finding the primary dysfunction, and implementing education to change the way you move through life. 


I want you on my table, but I don't want you on my table. I want you out in the world without having to worry that your vessel is restricting where you can and cannot go. Let's get you there. 

60 MIN

A 60 minute session is ideal for a client who either requires bodywork for a specific area (neck, forearms/hands, feet/ankles, etc) or has reached a point of maintenance for upper or lower body. Client can also choose whether they would like to split their session into 30 min sauna/ 30 min bodywork session.

Cupping is always included if deemed beneficial.

90 MIN

A 90 minute session is ideal for client seeking improvements in a specific region of the body (upper or lower body). This session time is highly recommended for new clients that are dealing with chronic pain, post/pre op, and restricted range of motion. 

Client can also choose whether they would like to split their session into 30 min sauna/ 60 min bodywork session.

Cupping is always included if deemed beneficial.

120 MIN

A 120 minute session is ideal for clients looking to receive an in depth session focusing of one region of the body with extra time to either work another region, or focus on the small details that prolong relief and create greater strides in client's recovery goals. 

Client can also choose whether they would like to split their session into 30 min sauna/ 90 min bodywork session.

Cupping is always included if deemed beneficial.


TMJD is a very common pathology many people do not realize they suffer with. Jaw misalignment and unilateral adhesion of the masseter, medial/lateral pterygoid can be caused by extensive dental work, teeth grinding, jaw clenching, chewing on one side, trauma to the face and jaw, among others. TMJD can cause symptoms such as clicking/popping of the jaw, ocular headaches, temporal headaches, neck pain, etc. Intraoral release creates significant improvements in 1-2 sessions, even for those that have been dealing with symptoms for 5+ years.



Tel: 720-802-5542


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